Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Product Spotlight: RaggTopp Vinyl Cleaner

Vinyl cleaners rarely come problem-free. If they do the job of cleaning a convertible’s top, then they often pose a danger to the surrounding chrome and finish. If they are harmless to the finish, then they fail to properly clean soils and stains from the vinyl. Finally, there is a product that accomplishes the job without doing untold damage in the process. It’s called the RaggTopp Convertible Top Cleaner and Vinyl Protectant Kit, and it is a one-of-a-kind solution to the cleaning and care issues that nearly every convertible driver has faced.
RAGGTOPP Vinyl Cleaner and Proctectant Kit

Mildew is one of the most insidious threats to a clean vinyl top, and this 16 oz pump spray by RaggTopp is perfect for stopping growth before it gets started. If you’re tired of pulling your top down simply because it ruins your car’s aesthetic appeal with its caked-on grime, RaggTopp is the solution you need to get your car back in sparkling condition. The product is not just for vinyl, of course; you can use RaggTopp on convertible tops, tonneau covers, SUV tops, car bras, and simcon tops with the utmost confidence. Best of all, the spray leaves behind no residue and uses no bleach, protecting chrome, fiberglass, and rubber even as it protects your vinyl from future stains.

RaggTopp comes courtesy of the Wolfsteins Pro Series, a manufacturer who has enjoyed an endless amount of praise for their cleaning products. The reason is simple: Wolfsteins cares deeply about their reputation among car enthusiasts. Knowing that no group of customers is harder to please, Wolfsteins has done everything in their power to develop products that will stand the test of time. It would not be at all surprising if people are still singing the praises of vinyl cleaners like RaggTopp in another fifty years. The product is that good.

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