Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Best Convertibles for Dogs

When it comes to driving with the top down in your favorite convertible, nothing beats the rush of the wind flowing through your hair. Whether it’s the idea of being free on the open road or just being closer to nature, this experience is something that you may find yourself wanting to share with your best furry friend. Although many dogs love the outdoors, it’s important to remember that being in a moving convertible is completely different than being in a regular car. If you want to make sure your pup is safe and happy on your next open-roofed cruise, here are some things to keep in mind:

Keep them Contained

In an enclosed car, the possibility of your dog jumping out onto the open road is slim to none. However, no matter how well-trained your four-legged pal may be, stoplights and occasional traffic jams are a golden opportunity to jump out and catch that squirrel they’ve been eyeing for the past few minutes. Your dog is most likely not used to the rules of the road and won’t recognize the dangers of hopping out. Play it safe and always assume that a dog in a convertible may jump out at any stop light.

So what should you do? Make sure you set up a form of containment on your pup, whether a dog seat belt harness, carrier, or other measure. This way, you can ensure that your dog stays safely inside your vehicle while also enjoying the fresh air you both love so much. After all, even humans have to wear seat belts, right?

Give them Spacious Seats 

When it comes to the happiness and comfort of your canine friend, more space is always better. In the case of taking your dog out in your convertible, space is especially important to ensure that your dog doesn’t feel claustrophobic during the ride. They won’t have room to roam around while you’re on the move, so having extra space to find a comfortable position will help them from getting restless. Not only will they feel right at home in a spacious seat, but they’ll also be less likely to look for more space outside of your vehicle. Plus, when they’re tired of taking in the scenery, it’ll be the perfect spot to curl up into a ball and relax.

Keep them Enclosed

Although the first thing that pops into a person’s mind when they think of the term “convertible” is probably a Porsche of some sort, the best convertibles for dogs are generally the ones that are the most enclosed. Cars like the Jeep Wrangler offer the full convertible experience with the option of keeping the doors and windows in place.

Not only will it prevent them from making the great leap outside, but they’ll also be exposed to much less wind that can be harmful for them. While some big dogs can handle a strong breeze, smaller dogs or dogs with floppy ears may not fend so well against the wind. With the constant pressure of the strong breeze beating down on their ears and eyes, it could cause serious damage if they’re exposed for long periods of time. So avoid those long-haul journeys with the roof folded back.

Automatic Convertible Top

While manually pulling up a convertible top may not matter to you, one thing to consider when searching for a good convertible for your dog is an automatic convertible top that can easily be switched on with a press of a button. If your dog gets too warm due to exposure of direct sunlight for long periods of time, you’ll want a quick fix. Not only is it important to give your dog a break from the harsh heat, but this convenience can also come in handy when driving through big construction sites that produce a lot of debris. 

Being able to easily switch the car from a convertible in a matter of seconds is not necessary but is highly recommended since you won’t always be able to pull over immediately. When taking your dog for a ride, be aware of any possible problems that may arise so you can react appropriately – and quickly.

Drive Smoothly

Just like people, dogs can get car sick, too. If anything, dogs are even more prone to car sickness since they’re not used to the long drives. To reduce the risk of a sick pup, take care that your car isn’t making loud noises or driving unsteadily in any way. 

Although it doesn’t have to be the smoothest car with the most innovative technology, but you definitely want to steer clear of a car that makes a small dip feel like you’re driving over a canyon. Unstable convertibles – and any car – can not only make your dog car sick, but may also frighten them. All in all, a stable, smooth-driving car is the best for any pet lover.

While sharing the open road with your best canine pal seems like quite the dream, even the best dreams require the right preparation. Next time you’re shopping for your new convertible, keep in mind the possibility of taking your furry friend for a ride as you decide wh

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